For the first time, the ReCrearte program organized a workshop in a residential area of the city of Santo Domingo; and the results were very good.
Coordinated by community leader Jenny Riveras, the workshop –part of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) projects– gathered 30 children and seven mothers of the Catalan residential complex, located in the Los Mameyes area of the Dominican capital, last October 25th.
The ReCrearte Coordinator, Bertha Santana, taught this large group how to make small purses utilizing recycled trousers and shirts. The children and youth who participated in the workshop were happy and highly motivated to continue disseminating the message of the three Rs (reduce, recycle, reuse) in their schools.
At the end of the event, some of the parents who came to pick up their children –and who were also inspired to help further disseminate the message and practice what was learned– thanked GFDD and FUNGLODE for giving them the opportunity to share such a positive and necessary message for their children.
The goal of the ReCrearte program is to raise awareness of proper waste management while it emphasizes and demonstrates how recycling this waste into art can empower individuals and communities alike. Through this program, the objective of GFDD is that the participation of youth groups, women's associations and educators will lead them into reformulating the way they think about waste and the problem of plastic pollution.