Yakaira Baez

Laura Garcias
Diseñadora de modas

Reygla Martínez
Diseñadora de modas

Diseñadora de modas
Diseñadora de modas
The impetus behind the ReCrearte Program arose from the interest sparked among students who participated in the Recycled Art Workshop conducted by Bertha Santana at the II DREFF in 2012. The ReCrearte Program aims to raise awareness of the 3Rs of solid waste management: reduce, reuse, recycle. The workshops also emphasize and demonstrate how recycling waste into art can empower individuals and communities alike.
Through this brand new program, GFDD hopes to engage youth groups, educators and women's associations into reformulating the way they think about trash and raise awareness of the plastic pollution problem.
Niños y adultos desbordaron un amplio salón de FUNGLODE, para seguir las instrucciones de Bertha Santana y Moses Ros, sobre creaciones con botellas plásticas y cartones desechados.
Reygla Martínez
Diseñadora de modas