Following its trip to the Azua province, GFDD’s ReCrearte program continued its weekend journey, stopping in San Cristóbal province to engage community organizations during three discussions and workshops held on September 24th and 25th.
On Sunday morning, the mothers’ club in the community of Lavapiés hosted an open ReCrearte discussion on environmental awareness and the importance of recycling followed by a creative arts session. Later in the afternoon, the program found itself in Madre Vieja Sur, where through the neighborhood committee, program coordinator Lucía Marte discussed the three golden rules of recycling along with a group of children and adults and then showed them how to make bags and accessories from recycled cloth. On Monday, before ReCrearte headed back to Santo Domingo, the municipality of San Gregorio de Nigua was the final stop of the trip. There, ReCrearte met up with another mothers’ club to lead a discussion on the changes that recycling has already brought about throughout the Dominican Republic, and hosted a session where participants transformed, among other things, newspapers into flowers
Sunday and Monday’s programs represent just a small portion of the efforts that ReCrearte has made to help mothers’ clubs around the Dominican Republic along with their communities bring about a change in perspective on household items and foster the development of creative enterprises.
About ReCrearte:
The ReCrearte program works with the most disadvantaged communities, who receive training in the art of recycling and creating new objects from waste and simultaneously learn to develop an alternative source of income. The program revolves around the “three golden rules” (or 3Rs) for the proper management of solid waste: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The workshops demonstrate and emphasize the idea that recycling waste and transforming it into art and objects for daily use strengthens individuals and communities alike.
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