Always looking for the an opportunity to bring public awareness on environmental problems and promote the protection of our planet as well as its natural resources, Lucia Marte, coordinator of ReCrearte at GFDD/Funglode, led a discussion on Saturday, July 1st about the three Rs and environmental protection in Las Malvinas, a community in greater Santo Domingo. Participating in the event were more than 80 Las Malvinas community members, 23 students, and one professor from the Ibero-American University in Santo Domingo (UNIBE). From toddlers to senior citizens, all spent the hours between 3:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. discussing the three Rs and environmental protection, playing sports and games, practicing dances, and engaging with other community members. The event was part of a series of activities organized by the UNIBE in the area, in coordination with the Las Malvinas neighborhood committee.
About the Ibero-American University (UNIBE) :
The Ibero-American University is committed to comprehensive development of societal and academic excellence, and is characterized by forging responsible leaders as much as by its permanent vocation to innovate. Its mission is to contribute to both local and global society through the promotion of academic excellence, investigation, and the formation of highly qualified professionals who are able to create and effect change using high ethical standards. UNIBE was established in 1982 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
About ReCrearte:
The ReCrearte program works with the most disadvantaged communities, who receive training in the art of recycling and creating new objects from waste and simultaneously learn to develop an alternative source of income. The program revolves around the “three golden rules” (or 3Rs) for the proper management of solid waste: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The workshops demonstrate and emphasize the idea that recycling waste and transforming it into art and objects for daily use strengthen individuals and communities alike.
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